Dirty Ingredient List

Research has given us enough reasons to avoid the below mentioned ingredients by highlighting their links to Cancer, Neurotoxicity, Endocrine Disruption, Cell Damage, Birth Defects and Hormonal Imbalance. Our ever-expanding list will be updated regularly as we find more reliable data and information about clean alternatives to ingredients that are commonly used. This is our commitment to the customer - we will continue to bring you safer alternatives to products meant for daily use by refining and improving our formulations as we grow. Why is this a long term exercise? Because believe it or not, a number of ingredients have not been tested for long term damage but only for short-term damage like skin rashes that are visible immediately upon application of the product. While there is enough debate on what is considered 'clean' globally with a number of well-known clean beauty retailers differing on a clear definition, we choose to rely on EU standards as well as the Dirty Thirty list to formulate products and while we are aware that it may not be possible to include everything immediately, we remain committed to doing so as our business grows, allowing for more investment in R & D. As an indie company this is an ambitious effort and we hope to have your encouragement as we grow towards our goals.
Our Dirty List of Ingredients
Animal Musks and Animal Fat: These are procured from fat tissues or the meat of an animal and are commonly used as a skin conditioner or for its perfume (Musk).
1,4 Dioxane: Is a by-product of a process called ethoxylation which ensures that the chemicals being used are not very harmful to the user. This ingredient is carcinogenic (cancer causing) and may have links to birth defects and organ toxicity.
BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole) and BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene): Preservatives that have links to cancer, hormone disruption and skin irritation.
Benzalkonium Chloride: Commonly found in eye drops and anti-bacterial soaps and moisturisers as a preservative. It is known to bring about skin and eye irritation.
Coal Tar: Known to bring colour to a product. It is a by-product of coal processing.
EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid): Commonly found in Hair Dyes. Moisturizers, Cleansers, Mascara and Eye products it has links to organ toxicity.
Ethanolamines: Is said to inhibit foetus brain development while also being an endocrine disruptor. Look out for the names DEA, MEA and TEA in an ingredient list to spot them. Found in Mascaras, Styling Gels and Foundation.
Formaldehyde and Formaldehyde Resin: Possible links to Leukaemia. Commonly found in nail paints and household products.
Fragrance: The term 'Fragrance' often masks hidden chemicals that make up a fragrance. Brands are not required to disclose this information on account of it being a 'trade secret'. It is known to cause birth defects and hormone disruption. Can also be listed in ingredients as 'Parfum/Perfume' or 'Fragrance Blend'.
Heavy Metals: Includes Lead, Nickel and Cadmium that build up toxicity in the body over long-term use.
Hydroquinone: Used in skin lightening products; can cause skin irritation.
Mercury: A heavy metal that is used as an anti-bacterial agent. Commonly found in Eyeliners and Mascara and listed as 'Thimerosal'.
Methyl Cellosolve or 2 - Methoxyethanol: Has been banned in the EU on account of its ability to affect the central nervous system, kidneys and liver.
Methylchloroisothiazolinone and Methylisothiazolinone: Banned in the EU from leave-on products but permitted in small doses in products that can be rinsed off.
Parabens: Linked to Breast Cancer and Hormone Disruption. However the EU does not consider methylparaben and propylparaben as hazardous to human health and allows their use in the formulation of products.
Phthalates: we avoid the use of DBP, DEP, DEHP and DMP as they are known for their links to endocrine disruption.
PEG (Polyethylene Glycol) and Polypropylene Glycol: Can carry traces of 1,4 Dioxane. Commonly found in products such as Moisturiser, Foundation and Hair Products.
Petrolatum: Derived from processed petroleum and when not refined properly can be hazardous to health. Scientists have confirmed that properly processed petrolatum does not affect human health but we choose to keep it off our ingredient list.
Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate: May form carcinogenic nitrosamines.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES): Listed as an allergy trigger and commonly found in products that produce a lather like cleansers, shampoos, bubble baths and soaps.
TPHP (Triphenyl Phosphate): Commonly found in nail paints with links to Endocrine Disruption.
Toluene: A known carcinogen commonly found in nail paints and hair dyes. It is also known to negatively affect the brain and nervous system. Repeated use of this ingredient by expectant mothers can lead to growth retardation in children. Long-term use affects kidneys, liver and reproductive organs.
Triclosan: Are commonly used as anti-bacterial agents and may result in hormone disruption. They are also not biodegradable in the environment.
Xylene: Commonly found in Nail Paints. Is a sweet smelling liquid or gas, occurring naturally in petroleum, coal, and wood tar. Affects the nervous system with symptoms ranging from headaches and dizziness. Long-term exposure can also cause breathing difficulties.
Note: In addition to the above, we may if the need arises, use ingredients such as Phenoxyethanol which the EU Scientific Committee considers safe for use when limited to a concentration of 1.0%.
We also use Palm Oil derivatives that have been sustainably produced. Palm Oil is a safe, natural and effective ingredient in products.
We also include ethically sourced Mica for some of our nail paint shades.