4 Natural Ingredients to Lighten Pigmentation

4 Natural Ingredients to Lighten Pigmentation

The face is considered to be one’s most important asset and most of us are constantly on the look-out for ways to improve its appearance. At Kanai, our products are created with ingredients that help achieve beautiful skin with nature’s very own ingredients that have been used for centuries and are backed by ancient wisdom.

In our interactions with customers we have discovered dark spots or hyperpigmentation to be one of the most important concerns faced by women today and it fuelled our desire to bring natural, time-tested remedies to help address this common issue. However, before we discuss remedies it’s important to understand the causes of hyperpigmentation. Research has revealed dark spots or pigmentation to occur when the skin starts to produce more melanin - a pigment that naturally occurs in the hair as well as the skin. Melanin is responsible for tanning of the skin when it is exposed to sunlight which makes increased exposure to the sun an important cause of pigmentation. But what is not commonly known is that pigmentation can also occur for a variety of non-external reasons such as acne, pregnancy, hormonal changes and prescription medication and may not be completely avoidable as well.

The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda lists internal inflammation and imbalances as another cause of pigmentation and besides traditional treatments, reveals some natural ingredients that can help lighten hyperpigmentation and give the skin an even tone. We share here some important ingredients that are found naturally and are still being used in traditional remedies and treatments of hyperpigmentation in India:

Aloe Vera: Known as Ghrit Kumari in sanskrit, Aloe Vera contains aloin, a natural depigmenting compound that is known to lighten hyperpigmentation in a safe and gentle manner. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins and possessing deeply conditioning properties Aloe Vera is known to balance all three doshas and internal disturbances, which according to Ayurveda might be a cause of hyperpigmentation. Our Aloe Vera & Manjishtha Facewash contains a unique ayurvedic formulation that lightens hyperpigmentation over a period of time.

Manjishtha: Known as Rubia Cordifolia and commonly grown in the Himalayas, this herb has long been espoused in ayurvedic treatments of hyperpigmentation and dark spots. Also known as a ‘superherb’ in Ayurveda, roots of the Manjishtha plant are commonly used in treatments that don’t just give the skin an even tone but also bring luster and glow. Kanai’s Aloe Vera & Manjishtha Facewash is a soap-free, gentle way to give the skin a rich dose of this wondrous superherb.

Orange Peel: Another great remedy for hyperpigmentation is dried orange peel due to its rich content of Vitamin C which helps lighten dark spots and pigmentation over time. Traditional skin doctors claim orange peel has the ability to draw impurities out of the skin and reduce melanin deposits that lighten pigmentation with regular use. Kanai’s Turmeric & Apricot Face Mask includes dried orange peel that has been hand-pounded into a fine powder. 

Turmeric: Also known as Haldi in India, turmeric is considered a superfood owing to its ability to be anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial benefits. Also a staple in ayurvedic treatments of skin diseases and ailments, turmeric is rich in curcumin which is known to inhibit development of pigmentation without any side-effects. Kanai’s Turmeric & Apricot Face Mask features organic Himalayan Turmeric that is hand-pounded and blended together with other essential plant actives to create a simple and effective effective home treatment of pigmentation and dark spots.

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